What is a Missouri business entity search?
A business entity is an organization established to carry out business, engage in a trade or conduct other comparable activities. The type of business entity determines both the organizational structure and the tax treatment of the business.
Examples of different types of business entities include limited liability companies (LLCs), corporations and limited partnerships
Starting a business in Missouri
If it’s not a sole proprietorship or general partnership, you must register your entity with the state. Business entity formation papers are submitted to the Secretary of State. If any type of business does business under a name other than its legal name, it must submit a fictitious business name (also known as doing Missouri business entity search as or DBA) through the Missouri business Online Business Filing portal
Every five years, this needs to be renewed with a $7 fee for the filing.
While it is not necessary for every company in Missouri to obtain a business license, you’ll need a sales tax license if you’re selling taxable goods or services. You may need additional licenses depending on your locality or industry.
Using the Online Missouri business entity search:
The Secretary of State’s business search tool is useful for anyone forming a new business, checking a business’s status or looking for contact information for a business.
The online database allows you to search using:
- Business Name
- Registered Agent Name
- Charter Number
- (For) Name Availability
Your business formation paperwork will be rejected if your business name is too like the names of existing Missouri business entity search in Missouri business. To avoid this, use the Name Availability search to confirm your business name is available before you file paperwork. To search, choose “Name Availability” from the dropdown menu, fill in the search box with the business name you intend to use and click the search button.
Search by Name:
You can also search for a business by name. Using this search tool will give you the names of registered Missouri business entity search, plus the names of businesses that have registered a fictitious name with the state. You can also find out the status of these businesses.
For each search result, the database may show:
Type of business entity (domestic or foreign)
Date of creation
Status (Active or Inactive)
Registered agent name
Charter Number
Business name
The owner of a fictitious business name
The Business Name search is useful for finding out if a company is doing business in the state and the name of its registered agent. It’s also useful if you want to know who’s behind a business that’s using a DBA.
If you’re forming a business, the business name search will also tell you whether there are any businesses using a fictitious name that’s the same as your desired name. Although fictitious name filings don’t give business owners exclusive rights to a name, you probably don’t want to use the same name as a close competitor.
Bottom Line of Missouri business entity search:
The Missouri business entity search Secretary of State is the official office of the state government that handles business filings, including setting up corporations and LLCs.
You can use its website to search for companies doing business in Missouri. This search can be conducted via the company’s name, registered agent’s name or charter number to see if they are registered with the Secretary of State.
Missouri Secretary of State corporation and business entity:
You can find information on any corporation or business entity in Missouri or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered Use the links below to jump straight to the correct search page for Missouri business entity search or find the page for another state. This site is not affiliated with any government entity and there is no charge to use it. Please note that while most states provide basic corporation registration information for free,
There are some that may require a fee for more detailed information. Additionally, we may earn commissions if you purchase products or services through some of the links below. You may also want to read the SecStates Blog to learn more about corporation search.
There are a few reasons for why you might wish to perform a Missouri business entity search entity search on the Secretary of State website.
The most common purpose is the name availability function employed by prospective business owners cross checking the name database to ensure their chosen moniker is usable for a new Missouri LLC or corporation in Missouri.
Many may choose to use this tool to purchase certificates on behalf of their company or to file amendments, articles of termination and the like. Whatever your reason, we’ve got you covered. In the tutorial below we’ll go through each search option available to business representatives.
Step 1- Regardless of your search method, you will need to begin by navigating to this website. Once there, be sure that the search option in the drop-down menu is set to Business Name.
Before entering the business into the search field, choose from the drop-down menu either Starting With, Any Word, All Words or Exact Match. You may also choose to research only active corporations.
Step 2- You should then see a list displaying the business name, charter number, type of entity, status, date created and registered agent information.
You can gain more information by clicking the name of the business you’d like to research or the business’s charter number. You also have the option of selecting the registered agent name to learn more about that individual/entity.
Step 3- On the third page you should be able to see the links to ORDER COPIES/CERTIFICATES, FILE ONLINE, and RETURN TO SEARCH RESULTS. You will also be able to review all the information registered with the Secretary of State.
Name Availability Search in Missouri business entity search:
Step 1- The name availability search is a useful function on the Missouri business entity search Secretary of State website as it performs the search for you and prevents the need to scroll through search results to ensure uniqueness.
Instead, navigate to this website and enter your corporate name into the provided field before clicking SEARCH.
Step 2- If there are names in the database which are like yours, and may cause the rejection of your application, they will be displayed in list format below the search fields (shown in first window below). If all’s clear, you should see the results as shown in the second window below.
Step3: Again, you will be presented with the Missouri business entity search business details of your entity, and you will be given access to the links allowing you to purchase your Certificate of Good Standing.